Dr. Gordon M. Wong
66 East Washington St.
Petaluma, CA 94952
Phone: (707) 974-9711.
Fax: (510) 279-4374.
Eye Health Emergency: (707) 230-7721.
Office Hours:
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Friday: 9am - 5:30pm.
Wednesday: 9am to 1:00pm.
Closed: lunch 1-2pm and weekends.
(Subject to change due to holidays, vacations, and work meetings.)
Halloween 10/31/24 hours: 9-1pm.
Closed Monday 11/11/24 for Veterans Day.
Closed 11/28 and 11/29 for Thanksgiving.
All COVID restrictions are lifted. Masking wearing is optional.
in the River Plaza Shopping Center,
downtown Petaluma, between Grocery
Outlet and Baskin Robbins.